Tuesday, September 7, 2010

IT'S A BABY......... MONKEY!

We had our first ultrasound today. A huge benefit of being in family practice Ob was that Lil miss Keelie got to join us to see the ultrasound. She was extremely excited, although not exactly sure what was going to happen she just new she was going to get to see her baby brother or sister. Something a little different then normal, they chose to do an internal ultrasound to get an exact idea of due date , how many babies, and how the baby/ies looked. As some of you know my HCG levels have been very high and we were told it could possibly be multiples, so we were very nervous yet also excited. Almost immediately the Dr said nope only one baby. We were a little relieved but also a little upset, we had kinda started to like the idea of the fun and excitement with twins! Of course wills first comment, "Yes I still get my motorcycle, since it's not twins!" With Madigan being a teaching hospital there happened to be 5 drs and 1 nurse in the room. A little bit uncomfortable but they were wonderful with Keelie. They helped show her where the baby was on the screen. She immediately understood, and told daddy the baby was dancing! The Dr turned the screen to show us and if you have ever seen the commercial with the baby dancing rather fast to music on an ultrasound, yup that was our baby today. Thank god I couldn't feel it, but also a little worrisome for the future when I will be able to feel it. Keelie then announced to the room that it was her baby brother and baby sister in the picture. The Dr laughed at her and asked again what it was and she said "I don't know baby brother and baby sister". Miss smarty pants seems to understand it could be either.

They printed some pictures, told us everything looked great our due date is April 8, 2010 and congrats! Keelie was so thrilled after that she told every person on the way out that mommy had a baby brother and baby sister in her tummy. Madigan is a very large hospital and we were in the basement, I think everyone in the hospital knew by the time we left. We will hopefully know in November what the sex is and I'm thanking god my first trimester is almost over, and hoping with the end will also be the end of all 1st trimester yuckyness!I love my children dearly and I'm also very honest, this baby looks like a little monkey! My moms reaction.... oh so it looks like it's daddy must mean its a boy! I'd love to agree mom ha ha! Please excuse the not so great picture, my scanner has decided not to work so I had to use the picture I took with the camera