Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our adventures with monkey!!

At 14 weeks of pregnancy I went in for a routine Drs appt. During the exam the dr discovered I was 2cm dilated and my cervix was quite irritated. He immediately did an ultrasound to check that baby was alive and well and then sent me up to Labor and Delivery to be checked by high risk doctors. After weeks of exams and ultrasounds the doctors determined my cervix was still a good length, baby looked healthy and the possible cerclage that was afraid to be needed would not be needed after all.I was informed however of my risk of pre-term labor due to my previous pre-term with keelie, and was reccomended that I go on Progesterone 17, a drug study that was said to help prevent pre-term. I was then discharged from high risk ob and could continue to see my regular OB.

At 22 weeks we received another ultrasound , and they discovered that Mr monkey was a bit on the large side and ordered a blood glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. Results came back normal and we just assumed he was going to be a big boy!!

We moved to Colorado around Christmas and started seeing new doctors at premier health clinic. At 27/28 weeks I went yet again for a routine appt. Upon examination the dr said my uterus was 4 1/2 weeks too large and that I was 50 percent efaced and about 2-3 cm dialated. We had an emergency ultrasound and were then sent to the hospital for monitoring. After 3 hours of monitoring my contractions and a dose of Indocin to stop labor, the doctor informed us that I had what was called Polyhydramnios or excess amniotic fluid. His main concern was that the cause of the excess fluid was a physical abnormality with the baby and we would be sent to Memorial Hospitals Maternal Fetal Medicine clinic for a level 2 target ultrasound.I was also given a Fetal Fibronectin test to determine pre-term labor, which came back negative but only determined for up to 2 weeks. So for now we were to go home on bedrest orders and of course to come back if labor started again.

29/30 weeks we went to Memorial MFM clinic for the ultrasound. During the ultrasound they determined that Mr Monkey, who we now call gigantor!! Is 4 lbs of huge( babies at 29 weeks average 2 to 2 1/2 lbs) I also have an AFI(amniotic fluid index) of 30centimeters. Anything 24 or higher is considered high. On top of that upon examination and measurement of monkeys head they discovered his head was very large and that he has enlarged ventricles. Which indicates a blockage and fluid on his brain. With all the excess fluid the doctors were unable to get exact readings in the size and will have to go back in a few weeks to try again and to then diagnose or determine what to do next. Back tracking to the excess fluid we now had to determine why there was excess and then what to do about it . Most excess fluid and large babies are cause by gestational diabetes. Other causes are unknown reasons, rh factor, twin to twin ,and abnormalities with the baby( cleft palate, intestinal blockage, something with the kidneys ect.)by the end of the ultrasound we had determined that monkey didn't have any
visible physical abnormalities that would cause the excess fluid( there still is a possibility of one they aren't able to see) so the next step is test again for diabetes. Despite diabetes not being a healthy option it would have been the easiest option. With reg diet and meds the fluid could be controlled and the baby's weight gain watched. Are you confused or lost yet?? Ha ha!!

Recap- so we now know the baby has a possible chromosomal abnormality in his brain( hopefully treatable) and he's very large with lots of amniotic fluid! All of which add even more to my high risk of pre-term labor . There are numerous risks and problems with all of the issues we have encountered they are all just so undetermined as to what risks or issues we may encounter right now.

Today(wed) I got the results of my tests back and I'm gestational diabetes free. So now back to square one of finding out what's going on and still lots of unknown! I'm not a person who worries or over reacts in situations like this but I have come to the aggravation of just wanting a normal planned pregnancy. If you know the pregnancy and labor we went through with Keelie you would understand more my want to succeed at my set plan!! However my children are determined to teach me how to go with the flow of the unknown and unexpected and that no matter how much I would like things to go my way and be in my control they aren't! Starting next week I will be doing antepartum testing twice a week with once a week ultrasounds and hopefully within the next few weeks between all the Drs visit we will determine the next plan of action. At this point the only determined fact is that Mr monkey will be common earlier then his due date whether by his own accord or the Doctors!!

I'm sure I have missed a lot of details or information but my head is swimming with 5 million things so please don't kick me for any confusion!!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you had answers to everything.... Waiting is never easy, especially with something so unknown. I will be here, I love you. I think if anyone in this world can get through all you are dealing with, its YOU.
