Saturday, March 2, 2013

I need it in writting

Yes in writing please, or maybe daily notes ,shoot even better a little person who sits on my shoulder  and  informs me every time my children and even my dear dear ....oh so dear ....bahahahaha ..... husband does something that makes me go WTH that it is normal!! Maybe not even normal but that yes it happens, to many other families, in many other homes, to parents even ones I know who are feeling the same way I am at that very moment. The frustration with my child's behavior when every other child around them isn't acting that way, even ones younger. My husbands ridiculous tyrants and the many moments he might as well be my 3rd child. I can not tell you how many times a day I re-evaluate my skills as a parent, how I'm parenting, how I'm not parenting lol.

                                                      Its bloody hell stressful I tell ya!!!!

      Yes I over think things- hell I over think everything, it is the brain I was cursed with. This brain is also the one that makes me socially retarded in every aspect. Hello sidetracked..................... so please little angel or demon or forget all that I want a hot muscular vampire ( ahahahahah-go ahead say it!) to sit on my shoulder and say YES the fact that your 5 year old isn't paying attention, hasn't been paying attention for the last 10 mins and prob won't pay attention the rest of the time your where you are is normal and happens to even the best parents whom you never see have to deal with their child this way in public. That YES your 2 year old who god forbid has to go in a car seat, stroller or hell the dreaded shopping cart and is screaming at you while spitting and head butting is normal or done by all the other 2 year olds that you cant seem to see anywhere even for the rest of the day, juts yours!. And then while they are at is can they please tell all the rude people staring at me because of this that they can kindly kiss my ass and go find someone else to gap at!!

   Everyday is a learning experience, a new day filled full of god knows what!! And I love it...well lets be honest, most of the time!  I can't tell you how nice it would be to know the whole world- ok the whole room/store/restaurant WHATEVER isn't watching mine and my child's every move thinking OMG that kids horrible, NO child has ever done that before! It gives me some kind of relief, a breath of fresh air to hear a parent or wife tell me a story that sounds oh so familiar. Or to see( it happens so so rarely) it in public. Tomorrow is a new day, one that doesn't involve any public places or people- a vacation for me ha ha! Someday it all gets easier...right? or maybe I'll just stop being so hard on myself. And if, just if someone happens to be a saint, a god send and writes a book, THE BOOK,  on raising children please let me know!(a person can dream right?!)


Rocking New Mexico!

    This weekend we ventured the 377 miles to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the New Mexico State championships . Despite the first nights ridiculous hotel shenanigans we had a very enjoyable dinner with friends and a great feis! Keelie has been working very hard the last month with her dance teachers to prepare for this feis.

     For those not Feis/Irish dance knowledgeable lol the way it works is.... You start out as a beginner 1 and you learn 4 dances : Reel, Light Jig, Slip Jig and Single Jig. When you compete at a feis you have to place 1st, 2nd or 3rd out of at least 5 dancers to move to beginner 2 . Once in beginner 2 you have to place 1st or 2nd( pending amount in the competition) to move to novice and it gets harder from there. You also start hard shoe dances - Double Jigs, Hornpipe and Saint Patricks Day. Once you have 4 dances at a novice level you can earn a solo dress( the fancy sparkly dresses) from there you go to prizewinner then pre-lim champ then open champ. Each dance is done by age level so "most "of the time Keelie dances with kids close to her age. ( I'm typing via cell phone so excuse any errors in info)

     It was very random the amount of kids in each of Keelie's dances. So some of them had enough to move up if she placed well and others didn't. Her first dance was the reel and she rocked it!. She looked so good, arms and all I thought for sure at least top 3( 7 dancers total) we were so excited to see she got first- it was one of those I'm going to cry moments we were so proud of her. This dance was her first placement into a novice level dance Then her light jig- she rocked it too! A few things she could have done better to earn that top spot but hey we will take 2nd, this dance has been her soft shoe nemesis!!This placement moved her from beginner 1 to beginner 2! Keelie kind of seemed to lose steam and focus at this point... she is only 5..... her slip jig wasn't the best but she got out there and did it and earned a 3rd place, however not enough dancers to move up. The last soft shoe dance was her single jig and it looked pretty good- this dance has lots of leaps- something her little butt has to work a lot on! But she earned herself a 4th place and a lunch break! I initially dreaded this lunch break but it was heaven sent. Keelie badly needed a break. Refueled and focus back on Keelie rocked her Treble Jig and Saint Patricks' day...... her hornpipe on the other hand has become her hard shoe nemesis. No matter how many times she practices it right she always forgets the second step while performing it. She placed 3rd in the first two and no placement in the hornpipe, none of these dances had enough kids to move up except the hornpipe. Due to the lower number of participants at this feis all of Keelie's competitions were combined with older age groups. So as a 5 year she competed in the U9 group for all her hard shoe  dances and to get 3rd with  kids 2,3 & 4 years older then her I think makes her our rock star! We all had fun this weekend, it was a great short family trip even Deklan behaved very well, especially considering the hours we had to wait for results! So 2 more dances closer to her pretty dress and we are looking forward to the upcoming Saint Patricks' events and 2 more out of town Feis's!


Friday, March 1, 2013


Ok I don't know how to say this without it sounding rude, I know people don't conspire together and then all come to talk to me, but I'm me, I'm not someone else's mother, babysitter or information center. So maybe people should think before constantly asking me about this other person. It's nice to know people only care about how the other person is not me... Did you once think about me. I'm not a selfish person but I'm so sick of this, I can't even leave the state, I'm still asked. Let me tell you how shitty of a feeling it is that I'm not cool unless this person is with me, I'm not worth people's time or how I'am or anything about me isn't important. They proved not to be the friend I thought they were and thats crappy enough in itself. So if you don't give a crap about me, please do me a favor and don't ask me about them cause the crappy feeling really sucks.