Its bloody hell stressful I tell ya!!!!
Yes I over think things- hell I over think everything, it is the brain I was cursed with. This brain is also the one that makes me socially retarded in every aspect. Hello sidetracked..................... so please little angel or demon or forget all that I want a hot muscular vampire ( ahahahahah-go ahead say it!) to sit on my shoulder and say YES the fact that your 5 year old isn't paying attention, hasn't been paying attention for the last 10 mins and prob won't pay attention the rest of the time your where you are is normal and happens to even the best parents whom you never see have to deal with their child this way in public. That YES your 2 year old who god forbid has to go in a car seat, stroller or hell the dreaded shopping cart and is screaming at you while spitting and head butting is normal or done by all the other 2 year olds that you cant seem to see anywhere even for the rest of the day, juts yours!. And then while they are at is can they please tell all the rude people staring at me because of this that they can kindly kiss my ass and go find someone else to gap at!!
Everyday is a learning experience, a new day filled full of god knows what!! And I love it...well lets be honest, most of the time! I can't tell you how nice it would be to know the whole world- ok the whole room/store/restaurant WHATEVER isn't watching mine and my child's every move thinking OMG that kids horrible, NO child has ever done that before! It gives me some kind of relief, a breath of fresh air to hear a parent or wife tell me a story that sounds oh so familiar. Or to see( it happens so so rarely) it in public. Tomorrow is a new day, one that doesn't involve any public places or people- a vacation for me ha ha! Someday it all gets easier...right? or maybe I'll just stop being so hard on myself. And if, just if someone happens to be a saint, a god send and writes a book, THE BOOK, on raising children please let me know!(a person can dream right?!)
You are a GREAT Mother!!! You are doing it right and you can tell how wonderful you are doing by the way your babies are!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!