Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Montage 5/18/11 at

His GRAND entrance!

Deklan Kace- a Celtic/Irish name meaning goodness, prosperous and a famous saint. And saint this little man thinks he is!!
     I was originally scheduled for an induction on March 18th(37 weeks), pending the results of an amniocentesis to test his lungs for maturity. When the results came back transitional- meaning borderline- the Dr's decided against induction and re-scheduled us for the following week on March 25th. I spent all weekend with lots of labor pains and even ventured to Labor and Delivery only to have my labor just kinda stop .I had been sitting at 3-4 cm and 60 percent effaced for a couple weeks but never went any farther . So we would go back home and spend the rest of the time trying to dance, bowl and walk/lunge this kid out!  BUT.........NO!

    He stayed nice and put in his hot tub!  The weight scan and amniotic fluid check they had also done on the 16th showed that Deklan weighed over 9lbs and I had 32 centimeters of fluid( a hell of A LOT!!) So I was becoming a bit anxious to get him out!

   I woke up around 4am( well never really went to bed) on the morning of the 25th. I couldn't call L & D until around 6:30 to find out what time to come, so I spent the time doing my hair, nails, shaved  and yada yada- yes all this just to go have a baby! Of course when I finally got to call I was told to call back at 8 after shift change, damn more waiting. Thank god I was ready cause at 8 they said come right in, of course I forgot to wake the husband and now had to wait for him to get ready- patients all gone now!

   Got to the hospital and waited some freakin more! Head nurse finally came in and informed me that they were packed full and out of rooms ( I thankfully was already in a room) They were waiting for the boss to decided if I was going to have to come back in a few hours or be allowed to stay. In my head I thought let them try and remove me from this bed- I'm having this damn baby! But I was nice and "patient" and I waited. For once in my life it paid off, the nurse came back said I could stay and started my iv- of course 5 very painful sticks and some Novocain later I was ready to stab her with the needle! Pitocin was finally started at 11:30 am and slowly increased over the next few hours. Bored out of ours minds my mom, husband and friend Mary started a Harry Potter Marathon! Bets were we wouldn't make it through the first one- aahahahahahaha wrong..!  I was def having contractions, I could feel them but nothing to really speak of. At one point they even backed off the pitocin because I had become tackycicalic(my spelling is way wrong): contractions right on top of each other. Dr checked me at 5pm I was only 5cm and about 80 percent effaced. We discussed a procedure called needling my water- because of my polyhydraminos( eccess fluid) they couldn't break my water due to risk of cord prolapse ( the cord coming before the baby) They take a small hollow needle and poke a couple holes to slowly release the fluid, which also allows them to help guide the baby's head down first. Dr increased the pitocin again and left.

     Dr came back 30 mins later and needled my water. Now that my friends is a very interesting feeling- I will spare you the details! So the flood started...Slowly of course however the moment my water started to leak my pain level shot through the roof. I had to get up- sit on a ball walk do anything, the pain was in my back and legs - finally the pain I remember from Keelies delivery- time to get the show on the road! However as soon as I sat up my water broke completely- now that was a damn flood- but no worries I had my sham wow! 
     The Dr decided to go ahead and put an internal monitor on monkey since we had done nothing but fight with the regular monitors to keep tabs on my contractions and the baby. I finally made it out of bed and onto the exercise ball- those things feel so nice to sit on during labor. I was so proud- I was doing ok managing the pain, at least I thought so.A few mins later I asked for Iv drugs and was of course ordered back to bed .. In the words of the labor nurse " These are mind altering drugs you must be off your feet" And mind altering they sure were- damn was I high! Of course let me tell you, don't waste your time with iv drugs cause they do nothing for the pain. My husband took the tiny 5 mins the drugs worked to take pictures of my non functioning stoned self!( I have shared these pictures with no-one.. until now)

   Sometime around 6:45pm I couldn't handle it anymore. I demanded an epidural, my husband of course fought with me " Now Cari do I need to call Christina and have her remind you that you don't want them?"
Me: Begging and pleading- there is no way I can go on with this pain. The nurse got the anesthesiologist and the Dr checked me- of course no further change. No sooner then the Dr had left the room I felt my body start to push. Knowing I was still only 5cm I tried everything I could to hold it!!!! Ya like that could happen- The next 4 mins happened so fast I only remember from what I was told............I started yelling I was pushing and couldn't stop, my mom ran to find the Dr ( of course no need the whole damn floor could hear me yelling) Will was at my side telling me I was getting what I wanted...NO PAIN MEDS! Now when your in so much pain that's the last damn thing you want to hear- so no dear husband at that moment it was not what I wanted- in fact I almost felt my heart drop!.......................back to the chaos.... 2 seconds later I had my labor nurse on one side and  a lady on the other introducing herself as Sharon, the baby nurse.

My thought- Baby nurse, why the hell do I need a baby nurse ? This baby isn't coming right now!!

2 pushes and a soaked Dr, Nurse and Husband later  Deklan Kace was born. ALL NAT-UR- EL!

I had gone from 5cm to fully dilated & effaced and delivered a baby all in 4 mins. When the Dr had arrived back in the room, baby's head was already coming out, apparently he wasn't going to wait on anyone! And due to my poly all the excess fluid that was behind the baby was literally sprayed out like a water hose( you know you wanted to hear that!!), hence fourth why anyone standing within 5 feet became very wet! Now remember how monkey was supposed to weigh over 9 lbs?.... The grand total weight- 7lbs 5oz, talk about way off! In fact I lost 21 lbs the moment I delivered- that should give you an idea of how much fluid I had.

Ahh it was all over and I was finally getting to meet my little man. The poor baby was very bruised due to the rapid birth- he came out face up so his nose and forehead where a bit banged up! And the very chubby baby I was expecting was instead a rather tiny, skinny wrinkled looking old man!! But he was my little old man and I loved him more then life itself. Recovery was a lot easier and faster then when I'd had an epidural with Keelie and I was finally able to breastfeed and succeed! We are now enjoying every moment with both of our children, Deklan has already proven in the last few weeks that the 2nd child grows up  faster then the first! Two children is def an adventure , but one I'm loving every bit of!!



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Children and cell phones

I understand in this day and age that parents are provider their children with cell phones at very young ages. Which is fine by me, that's a parents choice, be it to keep tabs on their children or whatever. However if you are going to chose to allow your child any age ( teens included) please by all means teach them proper phone etiquette. In the past week I have received 2 texts messages from children who've had the wrong number. Here is one of the so very irritating conversations.

Random number text-" Heyyy its Aunecitta!!!"

Me:" I'm sorry who is this"

Child:" pa  Nene"

Me:" Sorry are you speaking english? And I'm sorry but I do not know you".

Child:" Really? Cause the girl you gave your number to is english."   ( my head: uh what?)

Me:" I'm sorry but I have not given my number out to anyone and you must have the wrong number"

Child:" Shut up" (My head: wow really!)

Me:" Excuse me , I do not know who you are, I did not give out my number so you have the wrong number, please stop texting my phone."

Child: 5 mins later      " FINE"

Child: 5 more mins later  " WHATEVER"

Child: yet again 5 mins later " SERIOUSLY"

Child: "If you are not going to answer me I will do this project by myself." ( my head: please by all means do and leave me the hell alone)

I had finally had enough and called this young lady. I politely told her yet again you have the wrong number please stop being childish and stop messaging my phone.

Child: 5 mins later " I'm sorry obviously I have the wrong number"
Child: 2 mins later " I said I was sorry"   ( My Head- ok seriously this little girl is pushing my nerves)

Me: Please stop texting or  I will notify the cell phone company as well as your parents that your abusing the use of a phone and also ask that you pay my cell bill since you are using up my messages.


The other text I received from a teenage boy, asking for sexual favors, yes sexual favors( a bit too unappropriated to put on here!) He became so ridiculous my husband called him as well as notifying our phone company.

   Now this is ridiculous and beyond annoying. My child will never own a cell phone until 1: she can pay for it and 2: she can use it properly. So please parents if your going to allow your children to have them freakin teach them some responsibility and manners with using them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ballet Class turned Boxing match.

Picture this- classical music, 10 little girls in pink leotards ,skirts,tights and ballet shoes practicing for their upcoming recital. You think how cute and innocent..... not with my daughter in the class!

             The bar at the back of the studio is loaded with costumes for the recital. All the students were told not to touch the costumes. Now when Keelie is told something and someone else is not doing what they were told she takes it upon herself to correct them.

          The girls were lined up by the bar awaiting instruction when the little girl next to Keelie started playing with the costumes. *Now I was not in the class I only watched through the window and was later given more details from the teacher. * Keelie most likely told the girl not to touch the costumes- starting an argument which lead to the little girl pushing Keelie. Now I know your thinking typical girl fight- but that apparently  is "not" how my daughter fights. Keelie balled her fist and punched the little girl square in the face. Screams and cries started immediately and knowing what she had done was wrong Keelie's tears started to flow too. Mortified at how many people had seen my daughter do this and also for the little girls parents( luckily her mom did not see), I was lost for words to even say to her.Her crying gave me a moment to quickly find words and I quietly spoke to her - knowing of course that all parents eyes were on me.
          When all was said and done Keelie apologized to the little girl and gave her a hug. Keelies right hook however wasn't so very forgiving and the little girl who was still very upset ended up going home.My first thought was where the heck did that come from- and where did my child learn to punch like that? Now I don't condone what Keelie did, but I am glad she in some way stood up for herself after the little girl pushed her- but I did explain we stand up for ourselves in other ways not by hitting.Will is usually the one who takes keelie to ballet and to be honest I'm so thankful I don't have to go back next week