Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Children and cell phones

I understand in this day and age that parents are provider their children with cell phones at very young ages. Which is fine by me, that's a parents choice, be it to keep tabs on their children or whatever. However if you are going to chose to allow your child any age ( teens included) please by all means teach them proper phone etiquette. In the past week I have received 2 texts messages from children who've had the wrong number. Here is one of the so very irritating conversations.

Random number text-" Heyyy its Aunecitta!!!"

Me:" I'm sorry who is this"

Child:" pa  Nene"

Me:" Sorry are you speaking english? And I'm sorry but I do not know you".

Child:" Really? Cause the girl you gave your number to is english."   ( my head: uh what?)

Me:" I'm sorry but I have not given my number out to anyone and you must have the wrong number"

Child:" Shut up" (My head: wow really!)

Me:" Excuse me , I do not know who you are, I did not give out my number so you have the wrong number, please stop texting my phone."

Child: 5 mins later      " FINE"

Child: 5 more mins later  " WHATEVER"

Child: yet again 5 mins later " SERIOUSLY"

Child: "If you are not going to answer me I will do this project by myself." ( my head: please by all means do and leave me the hell alone)

I had finally had enough and called this young lady. I politely told her yet again you have the wrong number please stop being childish and stop messaging my phone.

Child: 5 mins later " I'm sorry obviously I have the wrong number"
Child: 2 mins later " I said I was sorry"   ( My Head- ok seriously this little girl is pushing my nerves)

Me: Please stop texting or  I will notify the cell phone company as well as your parents that your abusing the use of a phone and also ask that you pay my cell bill since you are using up my messages.


The other text I received from a teenage boy, asking for sexual favors, yes sexual favors( a bit too unappropriated to put on here!) He became so ridiculous my husband called him as well as notifying our phone company.

   Now this is ridiculous and beyond annoying. My child will never own a cell phone until 1: she can pay for it and 2: she can use it properly. So please parents if your going to allow your children to have them freakin teach them some responsibility and manners with using them.


  1. Omfg!!! I'd have called their phone companies anyway. What the hell is wrong with kids these days?!?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I bet Will tore that guy a new butt hole!!....dang
