Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ballet Class turned Boxing match.

Picture this- classical music, 10 little girls in pink leotards ,skirts,tights and ballet shoes practicing for their upcoming recital. You think how cute and innocent..... not with my daughter in the class!

             The bar at the back of the studio is loaded with costumes for the recital. All the students were told not to touch the costumes. Now when Keelie is told something and someone else is not doing what they were told she takes it upon herself to correct them.

          The girls were lined up by the bar awaiting instruction when the little girl next to Keelie started playing with the costumes. *Now I was not in the class I only watched through the window and was later given more details from the teacher. * Keelie most likely told the girl not to touch the costumes- starting an argument which lead to the little girl pushing Keelie. Now I know your thinking typical girl fight- but that apparently  is "not" how my daughter fights. Keelie balled her fist and punched the little girl square in the face. Screams and cries started immediately and knowing what she had done was wrong Keelie's tears started to flow too. Mortified at how many people had seen my daughter do this and also for the little girls parents( luckily her mom did not see), I was lost for words to even say to her.Her crying gave me a moment to quickly find words and I quietly spoke to her - knowing of course that all parents eyes were on me.
          When all was said and done Keelie apologized to the little girl and gave her a hug. Keelies right hook however wasn't so very forgiving and the little girl who was still very upset ended up going home.My first thought was where the heck did that come from- and where did my child learn to punch like that? Now I don't condone what Keelie did, but I am glad she in some way stood up for herself after the little girl pushed her- but I did explain we stand up for ourselves in other ways not by hitting.Will is usually the one who takes keelie to ballet and to be honest I'm so thankful I don't have to go back next week


  1. Makes me think of the start of Lilo and Stitch.

  2. I, for one, am pretty impressed! She didn't start it (not a bully), only hit once (doesn't have psycho out of control anger issues), showed some empathy (understands the ramifications of her actions), and taught the other little girl a valuable life lesson: don't shove somebody if you don't want to get punched in the face. Excellent!

  3. haha priceless I am gonna name her the "enforcer" lol

  4. Well, at least the other little kid will follow instructions now right?

  5. Guess who I thought of when I read this!? Her grandmother would have done the same thing, I think, and Keelie did well to stand up for herself.

  6. well since we all know keelie is brutally brunt im sure the other girl didnt like that :) and i am wondering if keelie is a girly girl or a tomboy ...usually ballet and punches to the face dont go together but i say bravo keelie
