Thursday, October 20, 2011

Life's unexpected curve balls!

After 6 years away the army finally answered our knee begging pleas! We got to moved back to Colorado in December of 2010. Will was finally able to request Fort Carson as his duty station and we got to move home to be near family just in time for the holidays and to welcome our new baby boy. We had a house before we even left Washington, the army packed and moved us and It was prob the easiest most stress free time we have ever had with the army- and those times are almost non-existent!

               Back tracking to February of 2010- Will was deployed to Afghanistan and 11 days before coming home for R&R he was involved in an Ied explosion. His stryker was hit causing an explosion in the front of the vehicle and started a massive fire. Wills driver was severely injured, but alive! Will sustained a head injury ( blacking out), smoke inhalation ,and some bumps and bruises! He was treated by medics- given some pain meds and monitored .

Wills Vehicle
      July of 2010 Will came home to Washington and started the re-deployment process. After numerous ct scans and Dr's appts Will was diagnosed with a Traumatic brain injury and of course ptsd. He was put on meds(none of which helped) for the constant headaches he had and saw the Dr every so often, but nothing more. January of 2011 Will started in- processing to Fort Carson, Colorado. During the medical evaluation the commander started questioning his TBI , recent treatments (or lack there of) for it and what his previous unit had done concerning it( also lack there of!). He then decided to send Will to the medical board.

               For those who don't know, facing the medical board means you are evaluated by numerous Dr's, paperwork after paper work and eventually all the paperwork is sent to Fort Lewis, Washington ( funny enough where we were) The medical board Dr's at Ft Lewis then decide if you are Fit or Unfit to stay in the army. If they see you fit , you are then re-assigned- or allowed to re-class to a different non-deployable job( in most cases) If you are unfit you are either medically discharged or medically retired. Now mind you this is usually a very long process and even longer depending on the severity of the soldiers injuries.

       The last year of our lives has been anything but easy. The army of course has failed to help in so many ways ,specially with counseling. As a family we have been through the most trying time of our life, but I spare you the numerous details. So that brings us to today, the army's decision is finally in. I'm a wreck, I want anything but Will to be retired, as does he. We have our fingers eyes, toes you name is crossed in hopes that the army has found him fit to stay in and re-class. After 6 years of the military life it is safe to say we are comfortable. Knowing we have health care, the housing option, a guaranteed paycheck etc. But with 2 kids the thought of not having any of it is scary as hell. I'm not religious and my beliefs are mixed but if there is someone who answers prayers my prayer today would be this one thing. I know things happen for a reason and I hope the reason is to give Will a chance at the medical career he wants in the army. Wills meeting is at 2:30 today so off to run errands I go so I can keep my mind busy. I know my problems are so small compared to many but if you could please think a good thought for us! :)


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