Tuesday, October 11, 2011


     First of all we would like to Thank everyone who has made an honest effort to attend Keelies Feis's (You know who you are).And also to everyone out of state(and a few at home!) supporting her!! We definitely know how busy life is and understand that people can't attend them all! It has started to mean a lot to Keelie as well as Will and I. And of course our new extended Irish Dance family that we always get to share them with! Keelie is at the age that she has learned what promises are, and has also learned what it means to have a promise not followed through or simply to not have the effort made at all. As her parents Will and I have become very cut throat on protecting her from disappointment that isn't necessary that she face.

   The 2nd Irish Dancing Feis Keelie competed in was the Martin Percival School of Irish dance Octoberfeis in greenwood village. She competed in the First Feis under 7 age group and danced the Light Jig and Reel. She did a great job, placing 2nd in the Light Jig and 3rd in the Reel. She has a lot of practicing to do when it comes to not watching the dancers next to her! Every school has different steps to each dance, so watching someone not from our school blows your whole concentration and at Keelies age confuses the heck out her!

     Some of the  Feisannas do a special dance. The octoberfeis one was a Silly Sock dance. Keelie, her grandma and I made some little Halloween Irish dancers and attached them to fun Halloween socks with stickers. There were about 23 competitors ages 9 and under. Keelie was one of the last to dance. The moment Keelie started to dance the whole Ballroom erupted in cheers and whistles, naturally feeding from this Keelie took off dancing and owned that stage. There's no way to explain the whole scene in words but it was one of those emotionally charged makes this mom tear up kind of moments! Keelie was so into the moment not only did she drop the dance she was supposed to be doing and do her own she also had to be asked to stop dancing when her time was up! The dance was judged wrong and places were given to very good dancers( champions ect) that Keelie had no chance in beating, but she had a blast anyways and we won't ever forget the crowds reaction!

     Keelie won her first trophy and another medal to add to her prized awards shelf and we have a very long break until the next feis due to her surgery, so lots and lots of time to practice!!



  1. I couldn't be more proud of Keelie! I am so sorry I wasn't able to go watch any of her competitions. I couldn't believe how hard it was to get time off! I wish could of shared those amazing moments with you! You have created such a treasure!

  2. How cute your kids are! I am home, after a month of traveling! I would love to meet up sometime!
