Monday, October 8, 2012


B..L..E..S..S..I..N..G..S.  that is what my children are. I have spelled it out I can even put a definition if you would like so that maybe just maybe someday those who need to understand it will get it. Why oh why are people so selfish? How can people be that way. If you are family then for gods sake act like it. The door has been open for soooo long. The opportunity to make an effort to be there 100 percent of the way has been given over and over again. 2 children who have brought the biggest brightest happiness to my life, to my husbands life to anyone around thems lives and yet people still choose not to be a part of it. When your blood it's suppose to mean something. Apparently I've got that all wrong. If your reading this and feeling guilty then take note. It's one thing to lie to me or to will but its another to lie to my children, seriously I'd be ashamed. Can't tell you how many times we haven't been invited to something or invited at the last minute cause oopps we were forgotten about. How many times my children weren't invited or even thought of when everyone else was. They are amazing kids, such a joy to be around and it's your loss. Let me guess what your saying ... Oh but you have tried. Seriously a half assed effort ... Please just don't even waste the time. When our children don't even know you let alone ask about you, it's just sad. They see people who aren't even family at least once a week people who live 45 plus mins away sometimes even more . I won't even post how close those who don't care live to us. I could go on- prob for days but nothing I could say would be nice. The ties have been cut. Last chances were given and apparently meant nothing. We have to protect our children- it's just sad when its from your own family.


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